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Study Exports

Exports can be used to get results from VIAS into a file that can be used by another program. For example, the export formats that come with VIAS save tables from the Studies view to a text file that can be read into a spreadsheet. The AutoProcessor uses exports exclusively (instead of reports) for saving the study results for each file.


Several export modules have already been developed. All of them are ready to plug into VIAS. Some will work as soon as you install them while others require a site license:

Free to Use

License Required

  • VIAS Defaults*

  • TMWin*

  • TAS2*




  • Streeter 241/Peek


*Works as-is with the AutoProcessor

If you need your data in some other format, custom modules can be built according to your specifications. The time and cost to create a custom export will depend on the module. Contact TimeMark Sales to find out more.



This module creates files from volume and classification studies that can be submitted to the USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS).  Volume exports are used for Traffic Volume Trends (TVT).  Both formats are defined in the 2001 Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG).

Types of Exports

Volume and Classification

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


Note:  TMAS 2.5 will accept both the 2001 and newer 2013/2016 TMG data formats.

Transmetric America GEOCOUNTS Export

This module allows traffic data collected with TimeMark counters to be uploaded to a GEOCOUNTS project or Traffic Server database.  Files must be recorded with a vehicle study layout such as Layout 51/52 so they can be analyzed as Per Vehicle.  The exported results will contain speed, class, and axle spacing information for each vehicle.

Types of Exports

Per Vehicle

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


Streeter 241/Peek Exports

Types of Exports

Volume, Speed, Classification, and Speed vs. Class

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


TAS2 Exports

This is a legacy format that is still used by many programs to import traffic data.  The TAS2 (Traffic Analysis System) program itself was discontinued several years ago.

Types of Exports

Volume, Speed, and Classification (per channel or combined)

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


TimeMark TMWin Exports

TMWin was TimeMark’s first traffic analysis program written for Microsoft® Windows®.  Some of our customers wrote their own spreadsheets and programs based on the files it exported.  This export allows them to continue to use their older support programs with VIAS.


The TMWin format may not work well in regions where numbers are formatted differently than in the United States (such as 3,278.05).  If you do not already have a program that requires the TMWin format, we recommend using the VIAS Default or another export instead.

Types of Exports

Volume, Speed, Classification, Gap, and Per Vehicle

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


Chaparral TRADAS Exports

The TRADAS export allows the results of traffic studies analyzed by VIAS to be imported into the TRADAS program database.  The volume export is included for convenience, but you can get the most benefit from Per Vehicle studies.  TRADAS can calculate speed, class, and volume information from the individual vehicle data.


Types of Exports

Volume and Per Vehicle

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


TimeMark VIAS Default Exports

The VIAS Default exports are always available.  They simply save a study’s data tables from the Studies view into a text file with a few file details.  You can choose whether to separate the columns with commas (creating a CSV file that can be used in a spreadsheet) or tabs (a TSV file that is more readable in a text editor).  This export also allows one study to be added to the end of another study’s file.


Types of Exports

Volume, Speed, Classification, Gap, Per Vehicle, and Manual Count

Must Buy a License


Ready for AutoProcessor


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