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One Road. One System. No Limits.

AADT Report

An Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) report uses seasonal factors to estimate the mean (average) daily volume for a site.  Send us your factors and we will send you a file that is customized for your state or region.


The average volume for each hour of the day is also calculated.  A minimum of 24 hours of volume data is required to use this report.



Multiple Counter Volume Report

This module combines up to four channels of volume recorded at the same time into one report.  Each channel may have been recorded by a different counter.  For example, if four counters were used to record the approach counts for each leg of an intersection, this report can bring all of those files together.


Hourly totals are calculated for each channel, pair of channels (such as Northbound and Southbound), and all channels combined.  Morning and evening peak hour statistics are given for each day.  There are also totals for each hour of the day and the entire study.




Intersection Peak Hour Report

This module came from a request for a report that would be similar to a paper form the customer had been using.  It shows the volume and peak hour details from a manual turning movement study.  There is an intersection diagram and a breakdown of the percentages of each type of vehicle counted during the peak hour.  Files from multiple counters at the intersection can be combined.


The report also contains some optional custom fields.  These can be saved in a file’s details or temporarily entered just before creating the report.  Most of them simply add a few lines of information to each page.  The “Percentage of average daily traffic during peak hour” setting is used to estimate the traffic volume for an entire day.



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